Things Are Getting Real Now, Here is Some Senator Jaiz Transparency Regarding my Playing and My Education Posted on February 3, 2020 by senatorjaizdotrocks_upy4ky View this post on Instagram I went back and forth about making this video. I finally decided to go ahead and share it. Since I make my living in music and sound, I thought this was something I should keep to myself. But then, why? As people we never stop learning. So this is a bit about my musical journey… . . #guitarist #ambientguitarist #punkguitarist #guitartheory #musictheory #neverstoplearning #lifeofamusician #composerlife #iosmusician #veganmusician #veganguitarist #musicislife #musiciswin #raleighnc A post shared by Senator Jaiz / Eban Crawford (@senatorjaiz) on Feb 3, 2020 at 5:26am PST